Take about 5 mins

******************************Maybe after playing game.*********************************

It's about little Tom who fell asleep and died in a fire. Today is the seventh day of his death. In China, this means that his soul will come home today. And his family should prepare food for him. But he found that the water and electricity at home were cut off. Everything he experienced in the building was fake, because his wishes haven't come true.  

In Tom's imagination, Ms. Kate is still very kind and offered him hot soup. Dad is busy with work, and even if he looks tired, he will go home to stay with him. Mom no longer wears heavy makeup, but an apron. She will buy food for him with the money earned from playing mahjong. The Twins will invite him to play together...

So, in the building, the 5 NPCs in Tom's eyes looked like paper men, but after leaving the building, the NPCs all returned to normal human appearances, but Tom turned into a paper man...In front of the grave, there are food and the ashes of the paper money burned for Tom...

The truth isn’t as warm as the dialogue in the building...But lack of time, I didn't add it.

Tom's Dad is a salesman who often travels away from home for business. He promised to take Tom out for a dinner on Tom‘s birthday, but he didn't keep the promise and is always like this.

Tom's Mom likes wearing heavy makeup, and also loves playing mahjong all night. Before Tom's accident, she often forgot to cook, and after Tom fell asleep, she went out to play mahjong.

And Tom, living in such a family since childhood, became extremely inferiority. He habitually refuses others' kindness; he wants to play with others but was shy to say it…

That fire burned everything down...Until the seventh day after Tom died...